Women have learned to do little things to look better fit and have more voluptuous breast. No, you’re not the first woman to wear certain types of outfits to look skinnier, or to put your hand on your hip in such a way to look curvier in photos, or to put your arms behind your back at the pool to make your boobs look bigger. Most women do this.
Over the course of adulthood, many women have discovered their own favorite tricks to improve their looks. However, none of these tricks last very long. Not to mention, who really wants to strike the same pose in every photo just to give the impression that you’ve dropped those extra maternity pounds or make it look like your bra size is a cup bigger? You might look great in the photo before it posts to Instagram, but you can’t keep doing that same pose all day long, every day to make your boobs look amazing.

Do you have MOOBS (man boobs) or does a many in your life have these? Dr. Michael Gray’s Male Breast Reduction procedure might be perfect for you.
The weather is getting warmer and the swimming pools are open. For many women, this time of year means getting your bodies ready for bikinis and bathing suits. There is certainly a misconception however that only women have issues about putting on a bathing suit. Have a look at celebrity Jack Nicholson in this photo:

Actor Jack Nicholson has man boobs and needs to see Dr. Michael Gray in Michigan
For men, it can be an uncomfortable feeling to take off their shirts at the pool. Many men are concerned about what’s known as Gynecomastia, which is the growth of abnormally large breasts in males often referred to as “MOOBS”. In its true form this is due to the excess growth of breast tissue. However, the most common cause of an enlarged male chest is not breast tissue but actually FAT. Excess fat collecting in abnormal amounts is referred to as LIPODYSTROPHY. This can be a source of embarrassment for men and even wearing a t-shirt or Lycra shirt at the pool or beach doesn’t help the anxiety that many men feel when they suffer from an enlarged chest.
Everyone is talking about Sunday night’s broadcast of the Golden Globe Awards and it’s not because of the winners and losers. This year boobs seem to be on everyone’s mind as several actresses showcased their impressive Hollywood bodies in beautiful revealing dresses.
The Golden Globes did not always garner this much attention. This was the 71st annual Golden Globe Awards presentation which honors the best in film and television for the past year. Taking place at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, California, the winners are voted on by the members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) to recognize excellence in film and television, both domestic and foreign.
The ceremony isn’t just about who takes home the awards of course. It’s also about who looked stunning in their beautiful gowns. This year the actresses focused less on low cut dresses that show a lot of cleavage and instead revealed what has come to be known as “side boob”.

Big Breasts are Not Pretty Breasts and Pretty breasts are not Big. What Makes Breasts Pretty??
What makes breasts pretty is that they FIT! One of the first things that we are taught as children is how to make things fit. Remember those toy blocks we used to play with that were all different sizes and shapes? To get them to fit into the right hole we had to make the size and shape fit. This was one of our first experiences with Fitting.
One of the next things we learnt was how things look good together. Of course there were times when we wore outfits that didn’t quite match, but we learnt our lessons from those mistakes.
Breasts are no different. To look pretty, breasts have to be the right size and the right shape to fit your body.
Big doesn’t mean better when it comes to breast size and smaller isn’t always the right fit either. There are cosmetic surgeons out there who just try to make breasts as big as possible. Not Dr. Michael Gray at the Michigan Cosmetic Surgery Center and Skin Deep Spa! Dr. Gray believes that pretty breasts on a woman are breasts that fit that woman perfectly. Big breasts aren’t necessarily pretty looking if they look too big. What makes them pretty is that they fit the woman and look beautiful in relation to her entire body.
Ah the final week of the year and that means it’s crunch time. If you still haven’t decided what your New Year’s resolutions will be you better get on it. Each year we make our resolutions and very few of us will actually keep them. We pledge to lose weight, go to the gym more often, quit smoking and make more of an effort to call Mom. But these are difficult missions to keep. Maybe part of the tradition of New Year’s resolutions is seeing how long we go until we bounce right back into our old habits.

Well, here’s some helpful advice for you this New Year’s. In addition to making a commitment to more exercise and eating healthy, why not make a New Year’s resolution to get Lipo too? You’ll feel better about the way you look (in the mirror and to your significant other, family and friends) and you’ll become more eager to keep that amazing beautiful figure.
Dr. Michael Gray at the Michigan Cosmetic Surgery Center and Skin Deep Spa is offering January specials to help you make your New Year’s resolution. You’ll start 2014 off right by discussing the benefits of liposuction in a risk free consultation. You’ll look great and feel great just in time for your Spring Break vacation too! Dr. Michael Gray can reduce fat from the problem areas that are resistant to weight loss. You know, those stubborn areas that cannot be reduced simply by working out. Your fat comes out of the wrong areas, but now those areas need to be fixed to and Dr. Gray can help.
Let the world renowned surgeon Dr. Michael Gray become part of your New Year’s resolution for 2014. The new year can be the year you find the new you! Visit anewyou.com today or call 248-538-3333. Dr. Gray and everyone at the Michigan Cosmetic Surgery Center and Skin Deep Spa wishes you a great New Year!
Dr. Michael W. Gray of the Michigan Cosmetic Surgery Center and Skin Deep Spa is once again joining forces with Detroit’s #1 morning radio show Mojo in the Morning to offer a FREE breast augmentation procedure in time for the new year.
Dr. Michael Gray understands that not everyone is able to get the breast augmentation they want and this is his way of giving back to the community and allowing one lucky woman to have her best Christmas present ever by winning the Breast Christmas Ever contest.
You must be registered to vote for your favorite and you should all listen to the Mojo in the Morning show to hear Dr. Gray make the big announcement of who will win this year.
Watch Dr. Gray on an episode of Mojo the last time he announced the winner of the Breast Christmas Ever:
Think about all of the technology changes around you. In your pocket is a telephone that is also a camera, a datebook, a music player and a video game console. We’re living in the future. An episode of the “Jetsons” cartoon or the movie “2001: A Space Odyssey” now seem less impressive as we watch people video conference and watch movies on their wristwatch.
Well, it’s not only technology that has seen so many breakthroughs in the 21st century. Cosmetic surgery is not the taboo that it might have been several decades ago. Thanks to advancements in medical science and new techniques being discovered by such world renowned cosmetic surgeons as Dr. Michael W. Gray, more people are turning to cosmetic surgery to help them look their best and feel great.

In the famous 1991 movie City Slickers, Billy Crystal’s character laments about the aging process to a class of school children:
“Value this time in your life kids, because this is the time in your life when you still have your choices, and it goes by so quickly. When you’re a teenager you think you can do anything, and you do. Your twenties are a blur. Your thirties, you raise your family, you make a little money and you think to yourself, ‘What happened to my twenties?’ Your forties, you grow a little pot belly you grow another chin. The music starts to get too loud and one of your old girlfriends from high school becomes a grandmother. Your fifties you have a minor surgery. You’ll call it a procedure, but it’s a surgery. Your sixties you have a major surgery, the music is still loud but it doesn’t matter because you can’t hear it anyway.”

News alert… Thanksgiving is almost here. That’s right, it’s holiday season again. And while that means fun, family and food it also means PHOTOGRAPHS! There’s no way around the fact that you are going to wind up in some photos this holiday season. Gathered with friends and family on the ski slopes or by the pool in a bikini somewhere warm, rest assured that photos of your body are going to be viewed on Facebook. We guarantee it.
You don’t always think about how many pictures of you are floating around the internet — some you posed for (selfies!) and others are candids in which you don’t look your best (you didn’t know someone was taking your picture?). Well, it’s not too late to have that great body so you look hot in those holiday-time photos.

At the Michigan Cosmetic Surgery Center and Skin Deep Spa in West Bloomfield, Michigan, Dr. Michael Gray has dedicated his professional life to helping his patients feel better about themselves. He does this through highly specialized cosmetic procedures that correct the physical effects of aging — such as wrinkles, excess skin, and fat collecting and more. These cosmetic procedures help his patients look better to those around them, and in turn feel better about themselves — both outwardly and inwardly. Dr. Gray’s reputation and the gallery of “before and after” images on the ANewYou.com website speak for themselves.
Dr. Gray’s dedication to the work that he does comes from a deeply held belief that life is short and you only live once! So why not be happy. Dr. Gray believes if he can help you achieve your goals he will. He offers both surgical and non-surgical methods of correction.