In the famous 1991 movie City Slickers, Billy Crystal’s character laments about the aging process to a class of school children:
“Value this time in your life kids, because this is the time in your life when you still have your choices, and it goes by so quickly. When you’re a teenager you think you can do anything, and you do. Your twenties are a blur. Your thirties, you raise your family, you make a little money and you think to yourself, ‘What happened to my twenties?’ Your forties, you grow a little pot belly you grow another chin. The music starts to get too loud and one of your old girlfriends from high school becomes a grandmother. Your fifties you have a minor surgery. You’ll call it a procedure, but it’s a surgery. Your sixties you have a major surgery, the music is still loud but it doesn’t matter because you can’t hear it anyway.”

At the Michigan Cosmetic Surgery Center and Skin Deep Spa in West Bloomfield, Michigan, Dr. Michael Gray has dedicated his professional life to helping his patients feel better about themselves. He does this through highly specialized cosmetic procedures that correct the physical effects of aging — such as wrinkles, excess skin, and fat collecting and more. These cosmetic procedures help his patients look better to those around them, and in turn feel better about themselves — both outwardly and inwardly. Dr. Gray’s reputation and the gallery of “before and after” images on the ANewYou.com website speak for themselves.
Dr. Gray’s dedication to the work that he does comes from a deeply held belief that life is short and you only live once! So why not be happy. Dr. Gray believes if he can help you achieve your goals he will. He offers both surgical and non-surgical methods of correction.

It’s been an impressive list of celebrities who have had babies so far this year. The list of new parents reads like a Who’s Who in Hollywood. Alec Baldwin’s wife Hilaria Baldwin delivered a new baby, as did Kate Middleton, Penelope Cruz, Jessica Simpson, Kim Kardashian and Kristen Bell. And if you take a look at these celebs post-baby photos in the gossip magazines you’d think they magically returned to their pre-pregnancy look immediately after leaving the hospital.
But not so quick! Remember that many hours of Photoshop magic are spent on making these women look perfect on the glossy pages of the magazine. Photoshop only works for printed images and not for real life when new moms head to the beach or swimming pool or just to the health club. After childbirth, many new mommies struggle with the changes their body underwent during the nine months of pregnancy. Proper nutrition and exercise will only get you so far because it’s a challenge to get your tummies, breasts and thighs to return to their pre-pregnancy shape. This challenge often causes many new mommies to lose self-esteem and become depressed.