Dr. Michael W. Gray of the Michigan Cosmetic Surgery Center and Skin Deep Spa is once again joining forces with Detroit’s #1 morning radio show Mojo in the Morning to offer a FREE breast augmentation procedure in time for the new year.
Mojo in the Morning’s Breast Christmas Ever has narrowed the field to its TOP 10 FINALISTS. Register to vote today by going to http://www.channel955.com/ contests/breast-christmas— ever-top-10/270627# ixzz2nqVvD3AF.

Dr. Michael Gray understands that not everyone is able to get the breast augmentation they want and this is his way of giving back to the community and allowing one lucky woman to have her best Christmas present ever by winning the Breast Christmas Ever contest.
You must be registered to vote for your favorite and you should all listen to the Mojo in the Morning show to hear Dr. Gray make the big announcement of who will win this year.
Watch Dr. Gray on an episode of Mojo the last time he announced the winner of the Breast Christmas Ever: