• Surgical Brow Lift • Non-Surgical Brow Lift
Brow Lift: Overview
The natural effects of gravity cause the skin around your eyes to sag and wrinkle, which can make you look sad, angry or tired. Dr. Gray can lift the brow line and hide the incisions within the hairline leaving a younger, natural look.
Brow Lift: Procedure
During a brow lift, Dr. Gray makes an incision in the hairline that allows him to lift the brow. This procedure is more popular with women than men because the scar is hidden in the hair. An eye tuck (Blepharoplasty) can be combined with or without brow lifts when indicated.
Brow Lift: Recovery
Typically patients recover at home for the first week. An ace bandage is lightly applied and worn on the head. Activity is restricted for three weeks.
Non-Surgical Brow Lift:
When surgical intervention is not desired, Botox, Thermage, Fraxel, CO2 repair, CO2 or Pearl laser can often lift the brows nonsurgically. Dr. Gray will discuss which procedure is right for you during your complimentary consultation.