With Clear + Brilliant™, you can get back the glow, smoothness and luminosity that helps keep skin looking healthy and young.
Clear + Brilliant is a unique treatment that uses safe, fractional laser technology to address early signs of aging skin and help to prevent them.
This unique treatment expands skin care to not only address unwanted signs of aging, but gives you the power to help prevent them:
- Visibly illuminated skin tone
- Renewed, ultra-soft and smoother texture
- Naturally radiant and glowing skin
- Improved tone, texture and radiance
- Reduction in the appearance of pores
- No Recovery Time
- Return to work immediately
- Feels like a sunburn for one hour after procedure
- For any skin type and color
- Visible results after one treatment
How does Clear + Brilliant work?
Clear + Brilliant is a gentle laser that refreshes your skin from the inside out. The laser energy creates millions of microscopic treatment zones in your skin, replacing damaged skin with healthy, younger looking tissue.
How do I know Clear + Brilliant is right for me at my age?
No matter how old you are, sun exposure, environmental conditions and lifestyle can contribute to lack-luster skin. Whether you want to extend the younger look of your skin or even need to reverse these early signs of aging, Clear + Brilliant can help.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments is tailored to your concerns and skin care desires. In recent studies, consumers reported visible improvements after 4-6 treatments. We will discuss a personalized treatment regimen with you.