Women want a flat belly. And if you are like 60 percent of American adults, you are carrying more belly fat than you want in the abdominal region. The spare tire is the nemesis of most men and women and it can be dangerous to your health. But when looking at the tummy, there is more than “what meets the eye”. In addition to fat, there is skin and the abdominal girth (i.e., how protuberant your tummy is and what is your circumference).
Due to cultural differences, women, unlike men tend to hold their tummy in. They do this mostly unconsciously resulting in the appearance of a flatter abdomen. The reason most women hold their stomach in will never be identified other than this feat can be accomplished unconsciously to some degree without expending energy. Many women have done this so long that they don’t even realize they are doing this. Those of us who don’t hold our abdomen in will never think another human can achieve this! Why? Because it requires too much energy and effort!
Thousands of sit ups won’t do any good because increased abdominal girth has nothing to do with muscle. Also, there are no magic diets or abdominal exercises that specifically target belly fat or excess skin.
As we age, the metabolism slows down making it easier to gain weight, especially in your belly. As we age skin grows and abdominal girth increases.
But if you want your abdomen permanently flatter… and even flatter than it would be when you can suck it in (unconsciously or even consciously), there is hope. Dr. Michael Gray of the Michigan Cosmetic Surgery Center and Skin Deep Spa invented the Hour Glass Tuck. Where the Hour Glass Tuck differs from other tummy tuck procedures is that Dr. Gray is able to flatten your abdomen and make your waistline smaller (like an hour glass) than you can achieve on your own. If you suck in your abdomen as hard as you can that is how flat Dr. Gray can make your tummy. The skin will also be the tightest it can be with the Hour Glass Tuck.
The typical tummy tuck is performed to remove excess skin. These typical tummy tucks will tighten skin and muscles, and they will barely flatten your abdomen. Liposuction will improve your shape by removing excess fat from under your skin, but liposuction only reduces fat. If a tummy tuck is your desire then the best results will be from Dr. Gray’s special Hour Glass Tuck.
If the belly that you have isn’t the belly that you want you’ll be able to stop holding in your abdominal wall to appear thinner and you’ll actually be thinner. But don’t delay. If you want to stop sucking in your belly and do more than just remove the excess skin and fat, call Dr. Gray today. He will talk with you in a free consultation about the Hour Glass Tuck that he invented and before you know it, you’ll have the extra flat belly you always dreamed of. Visit Dr. Gray’s A New You website at www.anewyou.com or call for a free consultation at 248.538.3333.